Sunday, November 08, 2009

I was taking to NatYau today,
and we were saying how the days in Fairfield were like really The Best Ever.
And it's really true.

It's like we can go back to the same topic forever,
but we'll never get sick of it.

Anyways O'Levels are ending next week and A's are starting next week.
Somehow or another I'm feel scared.
Cos once they're over it's my turn,
and I totally do not want to take A's yet.

Which brings me back to what I was taking to NatYau today.

It's the compelling unspeakable power those As have over us.
It's tormenting.

Anyhows I guess at the end of the day,
God already knows what will become of us.
So sometimes as humans we worry to much,
to much for our own good actually.

Well enough said,
time to Viwawa.

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